7831 Namozine Rd.
Va. 23002
On Saturday, October 8, 2016, Mt. Hope will host its second Stop Hunger Now meal packaging event from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. During those two hours, volunteers will perform a variety of tasks to package and pack approximately 10,000 meals which will be sent to needy families throughout the world as well as the United States. Statistics reveal that nearly 870 million people suffer from hunger and about 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes. Mt. Hope was notified last year that its 10,000 meals were part of 285,120 meals shipped from Richmond to Zambia.
We will be registering people to participate in our program in the next few weeks. Last year, approximately 55 adults and children volunteered to help package our meals. Many participants stated that it “was one of the most worthwhile causes in which they had ever participated!” Please put October 8 on your calendars.